Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Thoughts: The Magicians

Title: The Magicians
Author: Lev Grossman

Let's talk about how much I love The Magicians. I read it at the prompting of a friend of mine, and I was not disappointed.

Quentin, certifiable genius and severely depressed, inadvertently stumbles across Brakebills, a college for magic and gets accepted: cue whirlwind of magical education and adventure.

The catch is, magic is work. And magic college is still college. Quentin discovers sex, booze, hard work, and beautiful friendship like any other college student; he just happens to be studying magic.

The Magicians is a brilliant deconstruction of Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia. The parallels are evident at every turn but it is in no way a knockoff; it alludes to childhood fantasy stories while being something entirely its own. It's about depression and love and the search for happiness and being careful what you wish for, because even fantasy isn't always as perfect as you dream it will be. It's one of the best books I've read in a long time.

And Alice! I have to talk about Alice because she's my favorite character. She's smart, shy, quiet, yes, but also strong and independent. I adore Alice's character. I would read a whole book just about Alice.

Basically: if you get the chance to read this book, definitely do.

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