Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Thoughts: If I Lie

Title: If I Lie
Author: Corrine Jackson

Wow. I skimmed the first few pages of this one just to see what it was about and ended up reading the entire thing. (Also, I bawled like a baby. So many feelings!)

Quinn's from a military town, being shunned because she got caught kissing someone who isn't her active-duty boyfriend Carey, and she can't tell the truth about the situation because she's promised to keep Carey's secret.

Some of the events in this story seemed almost too extreme or dramatic to be real, but that's why it's so powerful. The novel is fictional but the events in it are so real. It's hard to believe the kind of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse people suffer just for being who they are and loving someone other than who everyone expects them to love.

I absolutely recommend it, but wow, have a box of tissues ready.

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