Saturday, November 23, 2013

Book Thoughts: Allegiant

Title: Allegiant
Author: Veronica Roth
Series: Divergent #3

This first part of the review is going to be spoiler-free. There will be spoilers later and they will be marked by a warning!

Okay so. I loved the first two books in this trilogy so I was pumped for the third one. Did I love it? Yes. Did I cry? Yes. Did I think it was flawless? No.

I loved the way V.Roth took the story; the world outside of Chicago was fascinating. My only complaint there was that I wish we had gotten more information about some of the genetics stuff, because it didn't necessarily completely make sense to me as it was. Like, I definitely got what it was doing (and I thought it was a very important point and I liked that story choice), I just wish it had been spelled out a little more. But then again, I'm a world-building geek in love with backstory, so of course I wanted more information.

It was also cool getting to see the story from both Tris and Four's perspectives, because they're both characters that I really like and I LOVE the way their relationship is portrayed (real and healthy, with the existence and subsequent talking out of problems; it's one of the best I've seen). My complaint here was that with both sets of chapters narrated in the first person and no significant voice switch between the two, I often had a really hard time telling who was narrating a particular chapter. Their narrative voices were exactly the same, and I tend to have a hard time enjoying books with multiple but indistinguishable first-person narrators.

So yeah, I had some complaints about Allegiant, but on the whole, I thought it was a stunning conclusion to a fantastic trilogy.

And now I am going to talk about the ending. There will be spoilers. DO NOT read past this point if you haven't read ALLEGIANT yet! Seriously, come back and read this AFTER you have read the book.


Okay, everybody who hasn't read it gone? Let the spoilers commence.

So I was as blown away as everybody else when (seriously! last chance!) Tris died, because it is a seriously bold (and almost never seen) move in YA to kill off the hero, especially when that hero has a love interest. I kind of worried that would happen when perspectives split, because hey, someone else to continue the narrative if Tris is dead and can't narrate. And then I knew it was coming when Tris told Caleb she wasn't going to let him sacrifice himself for the wrong reasons (which isn't a decision I necessarily agree with, but it's one that I love that she made because it's so consistent with her character). But it was still a heartbreaking and kind of shocking scene. I 100% admit to crying.

I know a lot of people are really mad that Tris and Tobias didn't get their happy ending and kind of hate V.Roth for killing off Tris, but I disagree with that mindset. Am I sad that they didn't get their happy ending? Absolutely! Heartbroken! Because they are both characters that I love and I wanted them to be happy! But I think Tris's death was the right narrative course for the story. It was realistic, it was absolutely in character, and... yeah, did I mention it was realistic? And it takes guts to kill off such a popular main character (I mean, excepting George R.R. Martin, obviously), so I applaud Veronica Roth for making that choice. Even though it made me sad. And it was good to see Tobias grieving and eventually moving on, to the extent that moving on is possible. (The way he spread her ashes was another heart-wrenching moment.)

I had some issues with a few things in the book, and there were a few things that didn't quite make sense to me (Tris's memory serum plan, for one), but on the whole, I loved this book and the whole series. Round of applause for Veronica Roth, guys.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Book Thoughts: Asylum

Title: Asylum
Author: Madeleine Roux

Dan Crawford is super excited for his pre-college summer program, but he's a little wary of their dorm: it's a renovated building that used to be Brookline Asylum, home of several criminally insane patients. Dan and his new friends Abby and Jordan go exploring, and discover that the old asylum may not be quite as gone as they might have hoped...

From an escapist, fun-Halloween-read point of view, I enjoyed ASYLUM. It's a creepy story with a lot of twists and turns that you don't necessarily see coming. It was a fun, relatively light read, and one that's creepy in a way that's not going to give you nightmares.

Is it the greatest-ever work of literature? No. Dan and Abby's relationship fell a bit flat, and I was really disappointed in the ending because I felt like we never really got any resolution. Some of the explanation we did get didn't make a whole lot of sense. But on the whole, it was a fun ride. I really just wanted more explanation at the end!

I did enjoy the incorporation of pictures, and props to Roux for a gay character whose story arc is not entirely centered on his homosexuality. He's a person who is gay, not a Gay Person, which is awesome. Not really having a lot of strong feelings either way about this book -- I liked it, but I'm not going to be jumping around trying to shove it into people's hands, either.

Hiatus Over!

Hey guys!

I disappeared on you for a while there with a lot less warning than I would normally have given you. Unfortunately, the thing about college is that EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT ONCE.

I thought I was caught up on work, but then no, all of the projects were due at once -- plus there was tech week for the show my musical theatre club was putting on. I've been doing a bit of reading, but I have had zero time to write blog posts.

That changes now! Later this evening I'll have a post about ASYLUM for y'all, and in the next couple of days my (spoiler-tastic, FYI) thoughts on ALLEGIANT will be up.

I've missed you guys. It's nice to be back. :)