Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Thoughts: The Princess Bride

Title: The Princess Bride
Author: William Goldman

Princess Bride is one of the rare cases where I watched the movie before I read the book. I didn't even know the movie was based on a book until I'd been watching and loving the movie for years. It is still one of my favorite movies. So when I found out it was a book, of course I had to read it.

And I was not disappointed.

The witty and sarcastic narration, the hilarious shenanigans, the larger-than-life characters -- it's all here. TPB is one of the most faithful book-to-film adaptations I've ever seen: it truly captures the heart and soul of the book and even manages to keep a lot of the dialogue identical while still translating well to film.

But they're different, too. There were scenes from the book (as there will be with any book-to-film transition) that didn't make it into the film. It was like getting extra adventures with Inigo and Fezzik!

If you've seen and enjoyed the movie, read the book. So, so, so worth it. And if you haven't seen the movie -- read the book anyway! And then watch the movie after.

I love this story so much, you guys.

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