Sunday, July 21, 2013

Book Thoughts: Reached

Title: Reached
Author: Ally Condie
Series: Matched #3

*Possible spoilers for books 1 and 2*

I had high hopes for this, having loved the first two Matched books, and I was not disappointed. Reached is told in alternating perspectives between all three of the leads: Cassia, Xander, and Ky. There were times when I got confused as to who was narrating, but I think it was good to see the story from all three perspectives.

And what a story it was. Oh, man. I cried.

The story continues to explore the nature of choice and freedom, hitting the characters with some really tough choices about who to love and who to save and how to use their skills for good. The romance played out beautifully, and so did the other kinds of love: familial, platonic, and a general love for humanity. As Cassia, Ky, and Xander struggle to navigate love, loss, disease, and loyalty, the Society may be changing from its very foundations.

Also, wow I love the way this trilogy deals with a change of leadership in a dystopian society. I don't want to say too much because spoilers, but the interplay between the Rising and the Society is brilliant and makes the dystopian-psychology nut in me freak the heck out.

As I mentioned earlier, some of the narrative-switching got a little difficult to follow, but on the whole I think this was a beautiful conclusion to a beautiful trilogy: the story kept moving and wrapped up well, and I was sad to let the characters go. (Also I cried. That's a thing that happened.)

Having read all three books now, I can safely say that this series is a good one through and through.

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