Saturday, September 14, 2013

Book Thoughts: Sever

Title: Sever
Author: Lauren DeStefano
Series: Chemical Garden #3

You know that feeling where you're reading a book and there's only a few pages left but still too much that needs to happen and you start to worry about how it's all going to wrap up in so little space? That's how I felt with this book.

I really loved the first two books in this trilogy, so I really wanted to love this one. While I enjoyed it, I didn't love it. Some of the plot elements that came into play to wrap up the story felt a little contrived, and some of it just came out of nowhere like a wrecking ball. Without being too spoilery, there is a character death that really surprised me (and kind of felt like a way to not have to deal with a particular plot line).

That said, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story and I think the series ended the only way it could have. Rhine continues to be a character worth rooting for, and I wish we'd gotten to meet Reed sooner because wow, great character. And Cecily is still her wonderful fourteen-going-on-thirty self.

The short version: not my favorite series-ender ever, but a worthy conclusion to a trilogy that on the whole I loved.

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