Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Thoughts: Once

Title: Once
Author: Anna Carey
Series: Eve #2

Eve is back, but she's lost Caleb: Califia, the safe place they've been looking for, is women-only. But if you think Eve is going to take that for very long, you've got another think coming. She goes looking for Caleb... and finds someone way more surprising. Trapped in the City of Sand, Eve has to find a way to save Caleb, her friends -- and herself.

I didn't love this one the way I loved EVE, but I definitely enjoyed it. It's awesome to see the world continue to develop, and I hope we get to see more details of The New America in book three! I continue to adore Eve and Caleb's romance, and the new characters (namely Charles, Harper, Beatrice, and Clara) are a welcome addition to the story. I think my favorite character is still Arden, though, because she's the one in whom I see the most depth and fight; I wish we'd gotten to spend more time with her in this book. I do love the dynamic Charles adds, though!

I'm honestly feeling pretty meh about this book right now. I enjoyed it, definitely, but it wasn't a standout like EVE was and there's not really anything jumping out at me that I just HAVE to talk about. Hopefully it's just middle book syndrome and RISE will bring the level of awesome back up, because I really do like the story Anna Carey is telling and the characters she's created. Here's to book three!

1 comment:

  1. I liked Eve better than this one too, but I did really like Once. I always seem to prefer the "on the run" books, plus like you said, middle-book syndrome. Arden is my favorite character too, especially in the first book.
